Thursday, April 14, 2011

槟城土生华人豪宅 - Pinang Peranakan Mansion

上星期突然有事上了槟城一趟,也很心血来潮去了这间很多本地电影都在这取景的大豪宅 -- Pinang Peranakan Mansion。原来在码头有免费巴士到这间豪宅。
- 就是这辆免费巴士啦,认着它。

- 大门。

入门票RM10,我也吓一跳。才发现原来推广文化的同时也可以赚一点钱。(这样讲似乎有点坏,老弟告诉我这豪宅值RM 2B)不过也很值啦,这间土生华人豪宅比马六甲的那间大很多,而且里面的古董也比马六甲那间多很多。最爽的是老板很大方,游客都可以在里面东拍西拍。


- 收音机

- 很明显电视机

- 以前的CD Prayer

- Nyonya & Baba 的餐具

- 有读书的年轻人都可以告诉你,这是相机

- 以前房间的样子,还可以看到盆和痰盂在床的旁边,
因为以前没有“bath room attach"。

- 很有英式 feel 的洗手盆。

- 缝纫机

- 古代的梳妆台,让我想起林心如和谢霆锋演的鬼戏。

- 这个厉害了,如果没说你一定不懂,这是音乐盒。


- 如果没错,右边浅褐色的是过滤器,我在马六甲的一间古董店看过。

- 可以和前菲律宾第一夫人-- 伊梅尔达鞋架媲美的娘惹鞋架。

豪宅里面有一间娘惹餐馆,卖一些娘惹糕点和食物。进去时,店员告诉我那特别的糕点只有槟城才有。哎哟,媚媚这些马六甲也有卖啦,而且马六甲的还 pattern 多多咯,还有你卖的价钱那么美我怎么吃得下啦。不过如果你不是马来西亚人可以去尝尝啦。


- 我们的ss (syok sendiri) 照。 ^^

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Be alert!

I was rushing for my aunt's assignment when you told me all this. In a busy stage, it started since i back. It seem a good news for me that I could go back home on 11something. (usually it will be 12 something and more even worst 1am on that day when I just back from Malacca, how cruel you are, I am not dying tomorrow...) After reading your story, I felt sorry to heard that.

A future doctor was caught smuggle drug to Thailand. The drug was not belong to him, it belongs to his friend. He  didn't know that his friend take advantage of him to smuggle drug to Thailand. In other word, he is innocent. It's very hard to convince judge to believe that you are innocent. Unless you could employ a very smart lawyer, who is so smart to make the judge believes that you don't know that is drug. Of course this is not easy.

Somehow they already received the judgement, it happened a few years ago. What can i say is don't cry over spoiled milk. The accuse continue his life although he is in the prison, he always go to library there. Thumb up, he accept this and never give up because he is in the prison. He still can be a good doctor after he release from the prison.

And more important here is, don't simply help anyone carry “unknown item". I am not asking you not to trust your friend, but be alert. Be kind and be smart, NOT only either one, it must apply both together. I can't change the judgment for you as I am not the judge. I only can remind other not to repeat the same mistake.